Procegas, LLC. was incorporated in the State of Texas in 2012, but the real beginning of the company started more than fifteen years ago in Venezuela with a small group of engineers, former PDVSA employees with vast expertise and different backgrounds within the oil & gas industry.
Focused in operations
This group of professionals whose background include the disciplines of instruments & automation, mechanical, electrical, design, process and systems has been an indivisible unit since the very beginning with a common focus in their careers: they all come from the Operations/Field side of the Oil & Gas business.
Flexibility, thorough project understanding, gas compression expertise, clear and direct communications, in depth knowledge of the Oil & Gas industry processes and professionalism are some of the competitive advantages at Procegas, LLC.
Our goal is to deliver integral custom-made solutions…
After six years, Procegas, LLC. is a consolidated manufacturing facility capable to execute projects from their concept to completion integrating design, engineering, purchasing, manufacturing, testing, packaging, export, installation support, commissioning and start-up. Our goal is to deliver integral custom made solutions primary oriented to the oil and gas industry, from the wellhead to the point of sale, supported by experienced and knowledgeable industry professionals, primarily focused on the operations efficiency, with strict compliance to the safety and environmental regulations.

Packaging is what we do best
The term Package has become a common name in every single job Procegas, LLC. has been awarded and executed, a tailored solution for each application is designed, engineered and manufactured according to our customer’s specifications. Whether free-issued or purchased on our own, we at Procegas, LLC are capable to put all the pieces together; that is what packaging means for us:
- Packaged Compressor for Burckhardt Compression, AG.
- Packaged Lube Oil System for a Shell Debottleneck Project in Canada.
- Ethylene Compressor Package for Croda.
- Mechanical Vapor Recovery Unit – Full Package for Aereon.
9 buildings in a 12 Acre facility. ASME and NBBI certified.
Our existing facility in Houston covers an area of 12 Acres (4.9 Hectares) with 9 buildings in 70,000 ft2. (6.5 thousand mt2.). Procegas, LLC. is ASME stamp certified and has the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspector – NBBI – “R” stamp and is currently working on the API Q1 and ISO 9001 certification. In 2016 a 400 Ton. Gantry crane was commissioned increasing our lifting capacity for indoor and outdoor jobs.
Procegas has completed these projects:
- Compression Packages for customers like Lyondell, Shell in Canada, Linde and Lotte Chemical through Burckhardt Compression.
- Pressure vessels, separators, dampeners, KOD and scrubbers for Lyondell, Petroboscan, ExTerran, Tamabra and Spartan.
- Pump skids for Pemex and Schlumberger.
- An Energy Optimization Study and 3D Model for the San Alberto Compression Plant in Bolivia through ExTerran.
- Service modules for Lyondell, Linde and Pemex
- Tenths of Vapor Recovery Units of different sizes for Flare Industries
A complete Early Production Facility for 8,000 BDP in Africa.
And still our most comprehensive showcase for all of Procegas, LLC. capabilities, a complete 8 thousand BPD Early Production Facility for Sapetro in Benin Republic which included the design, engineering, procurement, fabrication, packaging and export of 70+ skids: Separators, Heat Treaters, Heat Exchangers, Degasser, Transfer Pumps, Fuel Gas, Water Treatment, Power Generation, Control Room, Control System, Fire & Gas, SIS, LACT Units, Motor Control Center and pipe racks – Agibola Rabiu.